this film doesn't ruin 2001 for me or add anything to it at all either. (双/产/年上)双男主's become a nonsensical political & fantasy & thriller bullshit with all of its awful presentation. the script is so bad and cringy to the point that it's only disturbing. the environment doesn't feel like space anymore with the whole dozen-people-crew and awful CGIs. the whole narration and presentation are so out of place and laughable; and without Stanley Kubrick's direction, I don't really know the film's point of existence
这他妈不是爱情谁信啊!!!那个年代的同性恋们太难了太难了太难了感觉胸口被堵住了 爱就用力爱吧管他们呢烦死了 要是这么幸运遇到这么爱的人打死我也不会离开的 时势造英雄也造患难情侣 爱的自由真幸运 可惜没那么容易爱了 烦死了感觉胸口被压住了 爱了一辈子 但其实只短短存在了一下下 我们都活着 但我们见不到了 我要气死了啊啊啊啊啊难过的要死!伟大的爱情都是见不到面的 鸡毛蒜皮的生活里注定会有牵绊的 我们没那么坚强 能听一辈子关于自己的流言蜚语 但我们无比坚强 可以爱远方的你一辈子。